General john burgoyne revolutionary war reenactment

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Burgoyne is best known for his role in the American Revolutionary War. He designed an invasion scheme and was appointed to command a force moving south from Canada to split away New England and end the rebellion.

general john burgoyne revolutionary war reenactment

New york revolutionary war map

In the army, he had by this time become a major-general, and on the outbreak of the American War of Independence he was appointed to a command.

General john burgoyne revolutionary war reenactment clothing

Among the many notable figures who played a significant role in this conflict was General John Burgoyne, a British Army officer who is often remembered as the mastermind .
General john burgoyne revolutionary war reenactment gear
Two days earlier, the colonists’ cause for independence received a tremendous boost when British General John Burgoyne’s surrendered his army at Saratoga in northern New York on October 17, The event that moved France closer to an alliance with the thirteen colonies was celebrated in the American camp; this news did not reach Howe.